Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nothing major

My daughter Amelia has been fighting a stomach issue (starts with a c, ends with onstipation). UGH. For the entire weekend and week she won't eat, won't play, just lays around. Today she is finally acting normal (yay). I feel so bad for her.

Claire still isn't sleeping in her own room, in her crib yet. She'll sleep on her toddler bed in my room without crying all night. When did this happen and why? Why can't the girls be good sleepers like Mason? AAUgh!

Time for naps! Just got home from Lowes, got some mulch and Pampas grass (pink) and a new shower head. Now it just needs to stop raining long enough to get some yard work done. The garden still isn't built and ready to be planted yet. BOO.

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