Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nice treat

This weekend was a lot of fun. My husband surprised me by using his "points" and booking me a king sized room at the Hilton Garden Inn for Saturday. After French class that's where I went, then I saw The Lucky One with my friend Jess and finished some papers after in my room.

When I finished Jess was still in town so we decided to see The Five-year engagement. They were both really good. She left to go back home to Lebanon and my husband talked me into going back to the theater and seeing 21-jump street. It was hilarious! I laughed so hard I couldn't breath.

I then collapsed into bed. I have never seen so many movies in one day ever. But it was fun. Even sitting there by myself for the late showing on a Saturday night.

I needed this break. I wish I could do this more often. So, thanks hubby I love you! I needed to get away for a night after having the kids by myself all week. They were driving me crazy.

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