Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The text book fairy forgot my house!

I thought I would be awesome and buy all my texts for this quarter from and other various places, instead of writing out my wish list for the text book fairy or going to the campus book store which I am positive has a monthly meeting where all the employees get together and watch security footage of the dummies coming in to but their books from them.  I probably saved a nickle but I can't honestly tell you if that's the case. So here we are at the quarter's end and I'm stuck with  approximately 10 books that I want to unload and every site I've checked online will give me no more than $7 for the lot! The Joan Didion book isn't going anywhere at all, and I am pretty sure I'm going to eat the cost of half of these Henry James books I foolishly bought instead of checking out from the library.

I'd like to take a moment to mentally chastise myself again before I continue...

Ok, now that I've got that out of the way I can continue. I hate the system. That is all.

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