Friday, April 20, 2012

There's a "bloody man" scaring my baby

Yesterday my daughter Amelia walked into the living room to inform her meemaw that Claire is afraid of her room because "there's a bloody man in there." WTF? She then called my husband, who then called me to share this delightful nugget our three year old has just spewed out.

This made my heart beat a little faster I'll admit. I don't believe in ghosts or hauntings or any of that crap, but for a second I was dumbfounded. How could my three year old come up with this on her own? He brother was at school so he couldn't have said it for her to repeat. This would certainly explain why Claire hasn't been sleeping in there for the last two weeks.

So now what do I do? I thought about putting Claire's crib back in Amelia's bedroom (they used to share until last December when we bought the house and they got separate rooms), and putting all the toys and dressers into Claire's room, making it a big walk-in closet/toy chest. But in order to do that the crib has to come completely apart to fit through the doorways, and let's be honest-what a huge pain in the ass, and wasted effort if that doesn't work and she's just decided sleep isn't her thing. So we tried putting Amelia in Claire's room on her (Amelia's) old toddler bed that we're transitioning Claire into one nap at a time, but that didn't work either. She still stood up in her crib, screaming like she was being pinched, crying and yelling "no bed!"


So we put Amelia back in her room and I took Claire downstairs with me, where she fell asleep in twenty minutes. My husband carried her back to bed, where she slept until midnight. We were back to square one.

Is there a bloody man in her room? I don't know, but she's at the age where separation anxiety can be a real bitch, and the age where being afraid of the dark can kick in, as well as nightmares. Basically we have no clue. She will go in her room to play for short periods of time, but freaks out during the day for nap time so it isn't the dark of night causing this.

Does anyone know how to perform an exorcism?

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