Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yesterday my 70-something year-old grandmother hung up on me while in Kohl's, in her excitement to take a picture of a shirt and text it to me. I'm serious. It didn't go through, but she tried. I couldn't help laughing, thinking about how "advanced" we are as a society.

Then I thought about my mom, who just got a computer and refuses to open a Facebook page on account that "you get too many viruses and shit - at least that's what everyone tells me." Uh-huh. Who is this "everyone"? I want to know. My mother is about as technologically retarded as my grandmother should be - but isn't. My mother doesn't even own a decent cell phone. Her digital camera is so big it may as well be the Nikon my photographer carries around, and it goes through batteries like Claire goes through diapers. Really.

Now I understand that she doesn't have a college education, neither does my granny. However I just don't think that's an excuse these days because if I'm honest-today, if you don't know how to turn on your computer and download the application you're trying to fill out for a job then you probably aren't getting hired. I don't know how many phone calls my husband has gotten from them because there is some issue with there computers. He downloads an anti-virus, he cleans up the mess and then my grandmother proceeds to call my equally uneducated uncle who comes over and undoes everything my husband just did. Why bother calling my husband in the first place?

This has been the source of many heated conversations in my household. I apologize after my grandmother wastes my husband's time, but then she's on the phone again wondering why the blue screen of death is locked on her monitor.


I guess all I'm really saying is either learn how to use computers or don't. But don't expect me to come over and do your resume for you, and fill out your job applications, etc... I have my own stuff to take care of. And grandma please stop insulting my husband by asking for his help and then basically telling him he's an idiot and your don't trust him by calling Uncle Mike to "really fix" the problem. My husband can take apart and build you a new computer in the time it takes you people to figure out what that error message is even saying. Don't call him if you don't appreciate him.

Especially since our computer needs fixed now.

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