Thursday, April 19, 2012

Monster's haunt my bedroom

Fun fact: when you become a parent, you stop sleeping.

Fun fact: This is not temporary, as people say it is. You will be forced awake through the little monster's infancy, through their toddler years and then just when you think you're safe and can start sleeping - the monster is a teenager and you're up NOT sleeping because you're worrying or pissed off.

Fun fact: I am in the stage of NOT sleeping because my youngest monster is almost two and has reached the point of separation anxiety/fear of the dark/possible nightmares. She hasn't slept through the night in going on two weeks nor has she had a nap for longer than an hour, and that's only if she's being held.

Fun fact: I am a cranky bitch. Three hours of sleep is not sufficient enough for me to be able to deal with other people's bullshit.

Fun fact: The world keeps spinning, time keeps ticking and my responsibilities don't get put on hold just because my monsters won't leave me alone for an hour to nap.

Fun Fact: I was never afraid of monsters growing up.

Fun fact: I am now.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. This is another testament for why I am not ready for children if I cannot return them :)
