Thursday, August 2, 2012

Minecraft, YouTube and a not-so-sneaky 10yr old

So last night my son tells me he can't sleep in his room because his lightbulb is out. Obviously anyone that's seen me knows I'm not going to change it, even on a chair I'm still too short. Nick is in Key West and so I told Mason he could sleep on the couch upstairs in the living room.

His new thing - because God knows he won't pick up a book to save his life - is watching Minecraft videos on YouTube. For those of us not schooled in video games and other geekery, it's a weird video game where everything looks square and pixelated. 

I sent him to "bed' at 9:30, told him to brush his teeth and we went to sleep. Or so I thought. Around midnight something woke me up, probably Claire because she came tearing out of her room fussing like she does, all freaked out in the middle of me chewing Mason out. He got back onto the computer (his special profile with child protection security) and was still up! When he heard me stomping out to the living room he jumped up and almost fell in his haste to try to scramble back to the couch before I saw him. UGH! 

The joys of parenting. If he's this fun at 10, I can't wait until he's 15. 

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