Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wanda Sykes

I just finished Her book Yeah, I said it. It was awesome. I seriously laughed through the whole thing. I bookmarked a few particularly funny places that apply to my life specifically.

From the chapter/essay "Guy Tip One"
        "Here's a tip for you guys. When a woman asks you to do something and prefaces it with 'when you get a chance,' or 'when you get around to it,' just stop what you're doing and do the shit right then and there. When we ask, we really don't mean when you get a chance, when you feel like it, or when you get around to it. No, we mean right now. If you do it, you'll save yourself a lot of time and grief and a lot of arguments." (p190)

From "Guy Tip Two"
     "Women will give you a test. Fellas, do you know that we fail you at tests that you don't even know you're taking? Failing miserably. Ok, here's the situation.
     A guy gets home first and there are a few dishes in the sink. He doesn't even bother washing the dishes. He chills reading the paper or maybe sneaks in some porn time or whatever. His girl comes home, sees the dishes, and sees him chilling. She ain't gonna say anything, but it gets downloaded. She's gonna create a little folder. Gonna be a little icon with his face on it. And it's gonna say 'Dishes.' And she puts it right up there on the desktop of her mental computer screen.
     Three more days and that same mess goes on. She comes home, sees him chilling, dishes in the sink...However that fourth day, she comes home, sees him chilling. She's gonna double-click right on his face...Open up the folder. 'Let me think about what this man is trying to tell me. What is he saying? Is he trying to tell me that I'm the little dish washer around here? Huh? Is he telling me that washing dishes, that's beneath him? Because you know what? I work every day too. Maybe I'd like to come home to a clean sink, and go start my evening - you know what? I was not put on earth to wash his dirty dishes I tell you what. I'm not gonna wash another damn dish...I'm gonna see how long he's gonna let these dishes pile up before he'll wash them.' He doesn't even know the test is going on. Three weeks go by. Now she's so pissed she can't even see straight...with women, something that we're pissed about in the kitchen is gonna walk its way right down the hallway into the bedroom. And guys don't know it...He's doing his little poking thing. He's in there behaving like an A student, not knowing he got a big-ass F. He's in there poking and she just snaps on his ass. And now, he's in the bed with cracked ribs...'What's my problem?...Why don't I go sit in the dish rack, see if you notice me then, huh? Get off me.'" (194)

This had me laughing and thinking - how does she know so much? I guess it's not just me then. So there are other women out there that feel like this! Yes!

My husband helps...he does the heavy lifting, and takes care of me when I'm sick. He travels a lot so I'm home with three kids but he makes sure I get break when I need it. He's not all that bad. He just isn't clean. Or timely. He prefers to wait to clean until there's company coming over, then do a mad dash the morning of, or the day before. I can't live that way. The pet hair floating across the floor makes me physically angry. Not being able to find a clean fork makes me angry. Walking into the bathroom and it smells like a port-o-potty makes me angry. I can't help it - that's how I'm wired.

So now that I know I'm not alone, maybe he will see this and realize that I'm not just a crazy-ass OCD bitch. Maybe he will actually do the things I ask closer to when I ask instead of three weeks later after I tried to do it but messed it up, or have called his dad to help. Maybe he won't get mad when I'm mad that I just came home and every single sippy cup is dirty, when I left the cabinet full that morning. Or maybe he will understand when I get so pissed off that the light is still out downstairs, above the shower or in the kitchen. Or maybe he will understand when I say "please wipe the counters off when you "clean" the kitchen" I'm saying it because it really grosses me out that every surface in the kitchen and dining room is covered in a layer of sticky slime, crumbs or sugar that he failed to wipe up after making a cup of coffee. Maybe this will make me less of a bitch at home, and make our lives easier. Maybe.

Right now my husband is probably a low B/C student on average in the housework and cleanliness departmet. This weekend he's getting an A because I have the flu and he has done everything but tie me to the bed, to keep me resting. He got me meds, took care of the kids and the grocery store (and he used coupons!) so I'm pretty freaking happy. He proofread my last academic paper so I can edit it and turn it in on time, and he's proofing another one now. He has seriously been amazing, so to my husband I'd like to say; "Thank you honey, I love you." and then I'd like to add "the light is still out downstairs, and your shop vac is still in the play room - going on week #2.


P.S. Seriously, go read Yeah, I Said It by Wanda Sykes. She gets it.

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