Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nut house

Okay, so it's been awhile. Sorry. Things lately have been so crazy, I feel like I live in a looney bin most days. Coordinating schedules, trying and failing to find a new job, finally succeeding in finding something and then finding out that I have to take MORE classes and pass MORE exams. I just graduated college - I am burnt waaayyy out on the whole academic thing.

So what am I doing now? Waiting for the lovely state of Ohio to approve and issue my independent state insurance license, and driving to Sharonville (Cinci) almost every day for "training" UNPAID.  This is making me even crazier. I need to make money. All I've done is spend almost $300 for classes, background check, license application, exam, fingerprints; and spend like $650 on a new laptop for work; plus gas. Training is unpaid. This job has the promise of making some real money if things go well. GOD PLEASE LET THIS GO WELL!

My husband put a construction nail through his finger today while building a "fort" in the backyard for the kids, with an air nailer! Squad got called, kids were terrified, husband is in pain. There's finger meat sticking out of the hole. BARF.

I got up this morning and got my eyes examined, hurried home so that he could go to an appointment, then hurried myself to training. Got off from that, went to pick out glasses, went home to make dinner and make sure husband was ok and went back out to pick up the new glasses in hopes that my head will stop pounding and I'll be able to focus now.

I missed "girl time" with my girlfriends tonight. I needed this time. I hope they missed me, is that selfish?

That's all just stuff that's happened this week!

Earlier this month I had accepted a job at a senior home healthcare provider for a non-medical caregiving position. It was the worst thing I've ever done. It paid $8/hour, and I had to deal with really old penis's and poop. Not my cute little angel's poo - STRANGE ELDERLY ADULT POO! I held the position for less than a week and proceeded to explain to the HR lady in several different ways why the job wasn't for me. I have to go pick up my last/first check soon and do an exit interview. Really people? Sigh.

I have filled out approximately 75 applications since graduation August 16, 2012. I have had two call backs, and one was for the terrible position already mentioned. If this job doesn't work out, and turn out to be something I'm good at and like I am screwed. So let me just advise all my friends and loyal followers to forward all mail to the closest nut house, because that's where I'll be.

Also, this is the only thing of substance I've been able to write since graduation. It's terribly disappointing.